
The schema used for each report is structured to capture essential information regarding the completion of tasks within a project. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each element in the schema:

    project_id: number,   // high-level identifier
    job_id: number,       // jobs or tasks within the project
    timestamp: number,    // completion datetime
    amount: number,       // claim amount
    action: boolean,      // true(approve) or false(reject)
    ipfs_hash,            // proof of work done
  • project_id: This serves as a unique identifier for each project. It allows for the organization of reports under specific projects.

  • job_id: This represents a unique identifier for individual jobs or tasks within the corresponding project. Each job can be tracked and managed separately, enabling precise reporting and accountability.

  • timestamp: This captures the date and time when the work was completed.

  • amount: This field indicates the claim amount associated with the job or task reported.

  • action: This field indicates the approval status of the report. A value of true signifies that the report has been approved, while false indicates rejection.

  • ipfs_hash: This serves as a pointer to the proof of work done, stored on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).

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